Everything about Shameless


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term shameless, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from the sum of the following components:

-The Romance prefix of negation “un-”.

-The Latin noun “face”, which, in turn, comes from the Greek “kara”, which can be translated as “head”.

Shameless is one who acts or expresses himself cheekily. This term (chutzpah), for its part, alludes to impudence, impudence, lack of respect or daring. See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to Shameless.

For example: “My cheeky brother-in-law asked me for money again when he still hadn’t repaid the loan I made him two years ago”, “The man, cheeky, turned around to look at the young woman for a long time”, “The local team was the victim of a brazen robbery by the judge”.

Among the synonyms that exist for cheeky are shameless, insolent, daring, foul-mouthed, inconsiderate, cynical or inconsiderate. On the other hand, antonyms of that term are respectful, restrained, and even demure.

Many times the term is used with reference to what is questionable or reprehensible but, nevertheless, is done without dissimulation or subtlety. A journalist can speak of the “blatant corruption” of a government when its leaders flaunt their wealth and do not care that they cannot justify how they accumulated so much money. The nerve lies in the fact that, by showing off their properties, the rulers make it clear that they have obtained resources in an illicit manner since their salaries are not enough to buy that amount of goods.

A “blatant political persecution” can also be mentioned when a regime promotes false accusations against opponents, uses the public media to revile those who criticize it and does not provide any type of assistance to the militants of other political parties.

If a teenager who does not work or study refuses to help his parents with the housework because he says he is tired, someone could argue that the young man is cheeky: saying that he is exhausted when he has no responsibilities or obligations is a mockery for their parents who do make an effort.

Within the field of culture and, specifically, of literature, the term in question has been used to give title to different works. A good example of this is the pedagogy and psychology book “Descarados. A pedagogy for maladjusted adolescents”. It is a work written by Xus Martin that comes to tell the day to day of a group of young people who attend their education outside the institute.

These are kids who will be discovered not only in the environment in which they live and grow up, but also how they approach their education, how their educators work with them…

Likewise, there are other works with that adjective in their title, such as the French novel “El descarado”, which was written by the author Henri Troyat, or the children’s story “Don’t be cheeky!”, which was published in 2008 and which is written and illustrated by Ben Redlich.
