Jamaica Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Jamaica is 2,808,570, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 2,808,570
Population growth rate -0.07%
Birth rate 17.90 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 73.44 years
Men life expectancy 71.81 years
Women life expectancy 75.15 years
Age structure
0-14 years 26.01%
15-64 years 65.28%
65 years and above 8.71%
Median age 25.30 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.98
Population density 255.53 residents per kmĀ²
Urbanization 52.10%
Jamaicans – last census 2011: 2,697,983 people – over 90% of African descent, minorities of European, Indian and Chinese origin
Protestants 61.3% (Church of God 21.2%, Baptists 8.8%, Anglicans 5.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 9%, Pentecostal 7.6%, Methodists 2.7%, United Church 2.7%, Brethren 1.1%, Jehovah’s Witness 1.6%, Moravian 1.1%), Catholics (Roman Catholic) 4%, others, including some spiritual cults 34.7%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.726
HDI ranking 96th out of 194

People in Jamaica

Most Jamaicans (98 percent) are descended at least in part from slaves who were brought into the country primarily in the 17th and 18th centuries. The native Taino had been exterminated by the Spanish conquerors. Minorities come from Asia and Europe. Most of the Asians are Indians and Chinese, whose ancestors were brought here as workers.

More than half (56 percent) of all nearly three million Jamaicans live in the city. Most cities can be found on the coast, there are hardly any inland. Almost a million people live in the capital Kingston alone.

Languages in Jamaica

The official language in Jamaica is English. So it is used officially, on television, in newspapers, on government offices and in forms and also in class. Most Jamaicans speak Jamaican Creole on a daily basis. This creole language is based on English. It is also called a patois. Examples are: Mi a go would be I’m going in English and Me tink dem see we would be I think they see us. The English th is not spoken and becomes a t or d. Reggae from Jamaica is mostly sung in Jamaican Creole.

Religions in Jamaica

64 percent of Jamaicans belong to a Protestant church. This is a consequence of decades of British rule. The believers are spread across different churches, for example Adventists, Pentecostals, Baptists or the Protestant Church of God. Only 2 percent of the population are Catholic. Jehovah’s Witnesses are 1.9 percent and Rastafarian 1.1 percent.

What is Rastafarian?

The Rastafarian belief originated in Jamaica in the 1930s. Her followers see the former emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassi as the Messiah, a savior. Rastafarian followers often wear dreadlocks, thick strands of matted hair. This is supposed to give them strength and power, but it was also a protest against the British colonial power.

In addition to dreadlocks, reggae music also became a symbol of the Rastafari. The supporters also fight for equality for the black population. Green, yellow and red, as the colors of a united Africa, are often the colors of their clothes. The most famous Rastafarian supporter was the singer Bob Marley.

Jamaica Overview

Jamaica, located in the Caribbean Sea, is the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. It is world-renowned for its vibrant music culture, notably reggae, associated with the legendary Bob Marley. Jamaica’s stunning landscapes, featuring lush mountains, rainforests, and reef-lined beaches, make it a prominent tourist destination. The island is also famous for its cuisine, including jerk chicken and Blue Mountain Coffee, one of the most sought-after and expensive coffees in the world. Kingston, the capital, is a bustling city known for its rich history and lively arts scene.

State Facts of Jamaica:

  • Capital City: Kingston
  • Population: Approximately 2.9 million
  • Area: Approximately 10,991 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Jamaica
  • Currency: Jamaican Dollar (JMD)
  • Language: English
  • ISO Country Codes: JM, JAM, 388

Bordering Countries of Jamaica

Jamaica is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea, bordered by the United States and Cuba to the north and south respectively. It has a total land boundary of 1,073 km which includes 745 km with Cuba and 328 km with the USA.

Jamaica borders Cuba in its northern region where a line drawn between its Westmoreland Parish and Cuba’s Isla de la Juventud forms their shared border. The two countries have had strong ties since Jamaica’s independence from Britain in 1962 and have since worked towards strengthening their relationship through joint initiatives such as agricultural projects within their shared boundaries.

To Jamaica’s northwest lies the United States; this border is formed by a line drawn between Jamaica’s Portland Parish and USA’s Florida state. The two countries have had friendly relations since 1867 when they signed a treaty of commerce but have since worked towards improving their ties through economic cooperation such as joint infrastructure projects within their shared boundaries.

Jamaica also shares maritime borders with Haiti to its east; this border is formed by a line drawn between Jamaica’s Portland Parish and Haiti’s Nord-Est Department. Despite having tense relations at times due to territorial disputes over fishing rights within their shared waters, both countries have been working together for years now on issues such as renewable energy projects within their shared coasts.


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