Meaning of Banking


Banking is a term with more than ten meanings in the dictionary of the DigoPaul. Here are some of them.

The first meaning that appears in the dictionary refers to the wooden seat that does not have a backrest, although the concept can also be used as a synonym for bench (the seat that several people can sit on and that may or may not have a backrest). For example: “Take the opportunity to sit in the shade, there is a bench available there”, “Bring the bench to the patio so we can talk a bit.

The bank is also the set of banks and bankers. It is, in this sense, the group of entities whose primary objective is to facilitate financing: “If the bank fails, the country will enter an unprecedented social crisis”, “We need a more supportive bank, which does not charge such high interest”.

Banking, on the other hand, is a card game that consists of matching the value or suit that is revealed from the deck. The bank is, in addition, the amount of money that puts who carries the card.

In Argentina, Uruguay and other South American countries, the bench is the position in Parliament that is obtained through elections: “The ruling party was left with twenty wishes of the Senate.

In the Philippines, the bank is a small, narrow vessel that is built into a hollowed-out log. It has no deck or rudder, and is operated through the paya.

The table in a market where fruits or other products for sale are supported, the drawer where the washerwomen are located to wash clothes and the block of ice that floats in the high-altitude seas are other meanings of the concept of banking.

The bank rescue

There is a concept in economics that is called financial rescue and refers to the economic act in which an entity lends financial capital to another (company, State or an individual) that is in serious danger of bankruptcy. In this way, the assisted manages to save themselves from bankruptcy and insolvency and is able to relocate in the market economy.

In recent years there was another, born of this, that became fashionable bank rescue. Given the difficult economic situation that certain countries are going through, many States have resorted to bank loans to boost the economy of their territory.

However, the debt with the banks has been increasing so much that the way in which some have decided to acquire money to save it has been by cutting subsidies to public enterprises. Thus, in Spain, for example, many libraries and schools have closed and a lot of money that was previously used for cultural entertainment has been cut.

In the same way, they have tried to privatize health and other services, in order to lower costs and get the money to return to the bank; to prevent these entities from going bankrupt.

As expected, this type of decision caused great discontent and anger among citizens, who saw how their own State preferred to prioritize the economic stability of financial companies, forgetting their true responsibility: protecting the economy and stability of citizens. All this has led to increased protests and strikes against the country’s government in recent years, so that it listens to the will of the people. Although change is slow, surely these types of movements are ideal if a more just society is desired.

It is necessary that the people do not allow governments to decide what to do with public money, therefore only if we all came together to ask that we be heard and our needs respected, could the situation change.
